A Metamorphosis

7:48:00 AM

Friday I received a little package in the mail containing my new workout and diet regime. For the next 90 days I will be participating in Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis program. It has promised to reshape my body and boost my metabolism. I have been working out really hard already at the gym, but not really seeing the results I want to see. Hopefully this will be the perfect solution to get my butt in gear and my body to where I want it for the wedding.

The program has you measure yourself and weigh in every 10 days to track your progress and see your results.

Tracy Anderson is one of the most well known trainers to the stars. So it is my hope that I will be looking as lean and toned as Gweneth Paltrow. The DVD is fun and enjoyable to do, the cardio section being dance sequences  followed by body sculpting series that switch up every 10 days to keep your body guessing and your muscles active. It is at least worth a try, I am usually perfectly fine with working out on my own, but sometimes you just need that little extra boost to get you into the whole eating healthy part. Whether you are like me and just have way too much of a sweet tooth or like to much on potato chips, I think this program will help to reduce the cravings of all the bad stuff and sculpt me into a super lean and sexy bride!

tracy anderson
I mean who wouldn't want to look like this??
So if you are ready, I will take you on this journey with me, tracking my workouts, meals and of course my progress along the way. Here we go! :)

Other Tracy Anderson workouts you might be interested in:

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